Sacred Deathcare Guide Training

A Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers

Deepen your purpose, deepen your practice.

Sacred Deathcare Guide Training

A Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers

This course has sold out, but we are already making plans for the next cohort. Please add your name to the interest list HERE to be notified when we finalize those dates and to get early access to registration when it opens.

This course has sold out, but we are already making plans for the next cohort. Please add your name to the interest list HERE to be notified when we finalize those dates and to get early access to registration when it opens.

Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
Death Doula and Sacred Deathcare Educator

Dear Friends,

Here’s a warm welcome to anyone called to support dying people and their families in a soul-based way.

If you know there’s more to death—and life—than modern culture acknowledges, you’re in the right place.

I invite you to join our guild of Deathwalkers, healers, and learners. You’ll awaken the medicine wisdom you carry in your bones and use it to support the living, the dying, and the dead.

In this small-cohort certification program, you’ll find the path you’ve been seeking.

I look forward to walking it with you.

With much love,

Dear Friends,

Here’s a warm welcome to anyone called to support dying people and their families in a soul-based way.

If you know there’s more to death—and life—than modern culture acknowledges, you’re in the right place.

I invite you to join our guild of Deathwalkers, healers, and learners. You’ll awaken the medicine wisdom you carry in your bones and use it to support the living, the dying, and the dead.

In this small-cohort certification program, you’ll find the path you’ve been seeking.

I look forward to walking it with you.

With much love,

Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
Death Doula and Sacred Deathcare Educator

Activate the Wisdom of Your Soul’s Calling

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training is an incubator for the healers we are being asked to become. 

This 13-week online certification program is a deep petition to the old medicine ways, an invitation for their wisdom to re-awaken.

Activate the Wisdom of Your Soul’s Calling

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training is an incubator for the healers we are being asked to become. 

This 13-week online certification program is a deep petition to the old medicine ways, an invitation for their wisdom to re-awaken.

This 13-week online program is an experiential ritual learning laboratory for meeting death in a sacred way. We come together to build supportive community with warm-hearted peers, and to grow our relationships with the healing powers.

You’ll strengthen your knowing, deepen your skills, and awaken and apply your healing gifts. You’ll find the tools, wisdom, and support you need to offer soul-based care to dying people and their families.

As you step more fully into living—and serving—in alignment with your soul’s deepest truth, your sense of how you fit into the world will change.

 You will, as Mary Oliver says,

“Take your place in the family of things.”

 You will, as Mary Oliver says, “Take your place in the family of things.”

Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
Death Doula, and Founder of The Centre for Sacred Deathcare

Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
Death Doula, and Founder of The Centre for Sacred Deathcare

Meet diane hullet

We’re excited to welcome Diane Hullet to The Centre for Sacred Deathcare team. Her expertise in education and deathcare has been key in shaping The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training. This collaboration will continue as Sarah and Diane co-deliver the course. 

Sarah will teach the curriculum, while Diane will serve as space-holder, student supporter, community guide, and small group facilitator. You’ll be in excellent hands!

Meet diane hullet

We’re excited to welcome Diane Hullet to The Centre for Sacred Deathcare team. Her expertise in education and deathcare has been key in shaping The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training. This collaboration will continue as Sarah and Diane co-deliver the course. 

Sarah will teach the curriculum, while Diane will serve as space-holder, student supporter, community guide, and small group facilitator. You’ll be in excellent hands!

Cooperate with the deep archetypal patterns of the dying process

Facilitate healing for the living, the dying, and the dead

Trust your intuitive and mystical intelligence

Explain the energetic and spiritual dimensions of death and loss

Hold powerful space for healing and transformation

Cooperate with the deep archetypal patterns of the dying process

Facilitate healing for the living, the dying, and the dead

Trust your intuitive and mystical intelligence

Explain the energetic and spiritual dimensions of death and loss

Hold powerful space for healing & transformation

It’s why I’m here, it’s why I was always here.

“It is all so incredible – it’s like a path that’s been lit up on the runway. It’s why I’m here, it’s why I was always here. My life now blows my mind. Thank you, Sarah, for all you offer.”

— Diana N.

The Deathwalker Archetype Lives In You

If you’re sensitive to the subtle dynamics around death and dead people, it can be hard to know how to use these gifts to help people.

Your heart may break at the suffering that can come with a purely physical approach to death and loss. Perhaps you want to be part of bringing a wider spiritual perspective to the experience, but aren’t sure how to do it.

It’s likely that the Deathwalker archetype is alive inside you, yearning to be met, activated, and expressed in service of your community. But when you don’t have language or concepts to describe what you know in your bones, that knowing stays vague and undeveloped.

Find Your Path as a Sacred Deathcare Guide

It’s challenging to stay true to what you know about death—let alone deepen and develop it—when your soul’s truths aren’t reflected back by those around you.

If the Deathwalker energy is alive in you, you’ve likely tried to find a way to develop it. But it can be lonely to embody this archetype in a culture that doesn’t validate it.

Without elders and guides who are a few steps ahead of you, and peers to share the learning journey with, it’s difficult to know how to grow and develop this part of yourself.

When you find a set of teachings that align with the sacred wisdom of the dying process, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

Take Your Place in a Deep and Ancient Lineage

In the Sacred Deathcare Guide Training, you’ll find a deeper body of teachings to lean into, and touch into a wisdom stream that’s been interrupted, but is still intact.

As you find a path that gives structure and direction to the energy that’s stirring inside you, the wisdom you feel inside you will begin to take shape.

The call of your purpose will guide you on a path of learning and service.

You’ll take your place in a lineage of visionary healers, seers, soul-workers, and ritual leaders who have served the dying, dead, and grieving of their communities for generations.

The Deathwalker Archetype Lives In You

If you’re sensitive to the subtle dynamics around death and dead people, it can be hard to know how to use these gifts to help people.

Your heart may break at the suffering that can come with a purely physical approach to death and loss. Perhaps you want to be part of bringing a wider spiritual perspective to the experience, but aren’t sure how to do it.

It’s likely that the Deathwalker archetype is alive inside you, yearning to be met, activated, and expressed in service of your community. But when you don’t have language or concepts to describe what you know in your bones, that knowing stays vague and undeveloped.

Find Your Path as a Sacred Deathcare Guide

It’s challenging to stay true to what you know about death—let alone deepen and develop it—when your soul’s truths aren’t reflected back by those around you.

If the Deathwalker energy is alive in you, you’ve likely tried to find a way to develop it. But it can be lonely to embody this archetype in a culture that doesn’t validate it.

Without elders and guides who are a few steps ahead of you, and peers to share the learning journey with, it’s difficult to know how to grow and develop this part of yourself.

When you find a set of teachings that align with the sacred wisdom of the dying process, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

Take Your Place in a Deep and Ancient Lineage

In the Sacred Deathcare Guide Training, you’ll find a deeper body of teachings to lean into, and touch into a wisdom stream that’s been interrupted, but is still intact.

As you find a path that gives structure and direction to the energy that’s stirring inside you, the wisdom you feel inside you will begin to take shape.

The call of your purpose will guide you on a path of learning and service.

You’ll take your place in a lineage of visionary healers, seers, soul-workers, and ritual leaders who have served the dying, dead, and grieving of their communities for generations.

I feel less alone.

I feel I can tune in to the community of Deathwalkers through time, and I feel less alone in these quiet, powerful spaces.”

— Jennifer Y.

A Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers

It’s hard to walk this path alone. If Sacred Deathcare is part of your soul’s unique purpose, you need outside support to validate and express your inner knowing.

In a healthy culture, your intuitive understanding of death would be celebrated. Your community would recognize and appreciate your gifts. There would be a clear, well-defined path for bringing your deep inner knowing into the world.

There would be elders to train you, helping you build confidence in your skills, and providing support and oversight as you grow. The very sensitivities that once made you feel too big, too strange, or too out of place would be recognized as your superpowers.

A Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers

It’s hard to walk this path alone. If Sacred Deathcare is part of your soul’s unique purpose, you need outside support to validate and express your inner knowing.

In a healthy culture, your intuitive understanding of death would be celebrated. Your community would recognize and appreciate your gifts. There would be a clear, well-defined path for bringing your deep inner knowing into the world.

There would be elders to train you, helping you build confidence in your skills, and providing support and oversight as you grow. The very sensitivities that once made you feel too big, too strange, or too out of place would be recognized as your superpowers.

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training is a Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers.

This is the path we offer. 

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training is a Mystery School for Modern Deathwalkers.

This is the path we offer. 

The experiential curriculum of this certification program is rooted in the 5 Tasks of a Sacred Deathcare Guide.

As you practise these tasks, you will move from feeling your medicine to living it. 

As you discover a soul-based map for the dying process, you’ll understand the non-ordinary experiences that happen around dying, death, and dead people. 

You’ll find a coherent framework for what those experiences are, what they mean, and how to work with them in service of healing.

You’ll develop a well of deep spiritual wisdom to draw on, and the confidence to articulate it, even to those who may be sceptical.

As you learn to recognize different patterns in family systems around death and loss, you’ll understand how energy needs to shift in order to allow healing to happen.

You’ll have the language to explain what’s happening, and the skills to help the family to shift those patterns towards more ease and grace. 

You’ll be confident that your knowledge and skills are solid, and that your work is grounded in a foundation of integrity and ethics.

As you activate the soul-wisdom that you carry in your bones, you’ll strengthen your medicine body in ways that support you, and those you serve. 

You’ll deepen your embodied relationship with the innate wisdom of the dying process, and act as a kind of energetic tuning fork in a healing space. 

You’ll carry a frequency of confidence and stability around death that will sustain you and empower your work.

As you learn to trust your own felt senses and soul-knowing, you’ll find others who can recognize the healing energy inside you, and help you activate and deliver it.

You’ll be part of a conversation that starts with a set of shared understandings about the spiritual realms and the energetic dynamics of death and loss, and then grows from there.

As you grow your confidence and connect with a guild of like-minded colleagues, you’ll feel like you’ve come home.

As you deepen your relationship with the healing powers, you’ll learn to lean into these energies for guidance and support.

You’ll come to trust your own intuitive and mystical intelligence, and align yourself with the power and wisdom of your interconnection with all beings. 

From this grounded place, you’ll be able to hold a powerful healing space in which the dying, the dead, and the bereaved can heal, learn, and grow.

An ancient newness.

“There is something magical about the learning space that Sarah creates. Through the lens of an ancient newness, she connects us to the sacred, soulful mysteries of life and death.”

— Krista B.

Who This is For

This in-depth practitioner’s training is for anyone who’s called to be part of creating a culture in which death and loss are recognized and honoured as an important part of our larger spiritual journey.

Who This is For

This in-depth practitioner’s training is for anyone who’s called to be part of creating a culture in which death and loss are recognized and honoured as an important part of our larger spiritual journey.

Death Doulas longing to step beyond practical and logistical training into soul-centric approaches that resonate more deeply with their soul’s calling.

Healthcare or funeral professionals, counsellors, energy medicine practitioners, animal communicators, bodyworkers, birth doulas, chaplains, veterinary professionals, hospice volunteers, and others looking to bring more spiritual depth to their practice.

Those walking a healing path after a deep personal experience with death.

Everyday mortals wanting to learn about Sacred Deathcare for themselves, their family, and their communities.

Inside the Course

Being a Sacred Deathcare Guide is as much about who you are as what you do.

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training is an initiatory program which will fundamentally change who you are. By reconfiguring the energetic patterns that define how you meet death and loss you’ll build a healer’s medicine body, and find your own way to practise the sacred work of a Deathwalker.

Although we will cover conceptual topics, this program is about much more than lectures and head-learning. This is an experiential ritual learning laboratory in which we’ll engage our emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual selves.

Cohort 1 of this 13-week online program begins on February 4th, 2025

Limited Registration

• An intimate container for deep learning
• Direct access to Sarah during live sessions
• Personalised progression for each learner
• A strong group field for learning and healing

13 Weeks of Transformative Learning

• 13 Live Teaching Calls
• 13 Deepening Calls
→ Model Coaching Sessions
→ Community Integration Calls
• 52 total hours of online teaching and learning

Sacred Community

• Private membership forum
• Optional virtual coffee dates 
• Lifelong connections with fellow learners

Recognition and Certification

• Sacred Deathcare Guide Certification
• Community graduation ceremony
• Lifetime access to all course recordings

A rich space for online learning.

“I’m inspired by how Sarah fosters such a rich space for online learning. I feel a wonderful connection to her and others on the call, which is pretty special to achieve on Zoom. My learning is happening at so many, many levels. Thank you very much.”

— Peter G.


Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD

Sarah is a Death Doula, ritual healing practitioner, and Sacred Deathcare educator.

With a PhD in Transformative Learning, and a focus on ritual and rites of passage, Sarah’s approach blends the spiritual with the pragmatic. Sarah has almost three decades of hands-on training in spiritual and shamanic healing practices, and she offers a clear roadmap for students and clients who are called to meet death and loss in a soul-based way.

As an experienced teacher and trainer, Sarah has helped thousands of students validate their intuitive knowing that death is a soul-journey, not just a physical experience. Sarah’s courses give students the understanding, tools, and confidence they need to support dying people and their families.

In addition to creating the Centre for Sacred Deathcare’s library of courses and programs, Sarah lectures and teaches internationally. Her deathly advice column, “Dear Sarah,” appears in print publications in Idaho and Montana. Sarah’s work has been featured in Maclean’s and Zoomer Magazine, and on CBC Radio’s The Current, Global, and CTV National News.


Diane Hullet, M.Ed

Diane is the founder of Best Life Best Death, where she serves as a Death Doula, end-of-life educator, and podcast host, helping others navigate the journey of mortality. With over 30 years of teaching experience, she brings heart and insight to conversations about life’s final stages.

Diane earned a BA in English from the University of Colorado and a Master’s in Education from Stanford University. She has taught in both public and private schools and served as a senior instructor for intuitive painting workshops.

Diane completed trainings with the Conscious Dying Institute and then worked as a Teaching Assistant for CDI’s Sacred Passage Doula course, and as an Instructor for their Conscious Dying Educator course

Diane’s 5-star reviewed podcast has over 150 episodes and more than 60,000 listens. She has been featured on podcasts as diverse as Death Decoded, Zestful Aging, and the Heart of Hospice. Her work has been covered in Canvas Rebel and Michigan Voyager.


Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD

Sarah is a Death Doula, ritual healing practitioner, and Sacred Deathcare educator.

With a PhD in Transformative Learning, and a focus on ritual and rites of passage, Sarah’s approach blends the spiritual with the pragmatic. Sarah has almost three decades of hands-on training in spiritual and shamanic healing practices, and she offers a clear roadmap for students and clients who are called to meet death and loss in a soul-based way.

As an experienced teacher and trainer, Sarah has helped thousands of students validate their intuitive knowing that death is a soul-journey, not just a physical experience. Sarah’s courses give students the understanding, tools, and confidence they need to support dying people and their families.

In addition to creating the Centre for Sacred Deathcare’s library of courses, Sarah lectures and teaches internationally. Her deathly advice column, “Dear Sarah,” appears in print publications in Idaho and Montana. Sarah’s work has been featured in Maclean’s and Zoomer Magazine, and on CBC Radio’s The Current, Global, and CTV National News.


Diane Hullet, M.Ed

Diane is the founder of Best Life Best Death, where she serves as a Death Doula, end-of-life educator, and podcast host, helping others navigate the journey of mortality. With over 30 years of teaching experience, she brings heart and insight to conversations about life’s final stages.

Diane earned a BA in English from the University of Colorado and a Master’s in Education from Stanford University. She has taught in both public and private schools and served as a senior instructor for intuitive painting workshops.

As an experienced teacher and trainer, Sarah has helped thousands of students validate their intuitive knowing that death is a soul-journey, not just a physical experience. Sarah’s courses give students the understanding, tools, and confidence they need to support dying people and their families.

Diane completed trainings with the Conscious Dying Institute and then worked as a Teaching Assistant for CDI’s Sacred Passage Doula course, and as an Instructor for their Conscious Dying Educator course

Diane’s 5-star reviewed podcast has over 150 episodes and more than 60,000 listens. She has been featured on podcasts as diverse as Death Decoded, Zestful Aging, and the Heart of Hospice. Her work has been covered in Canvas Rebel and Michigan Voyager.

Things make sense in a way they did not before.

“My experience as a Deathwalker came to me organically, as it probably does for most or many, but was such an extraordinary thing-many faceted and just, wow. The Deathwalker course had me reflecting back on my childhood, my youth and made a bunch of things make sense in a way they did not before.”

— Evelyn W.

Explore the portal between the worlds and learn to hold it open for others.

Join us in The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training

✓ Small Cohort Size
✓ Intentional Learning Community
✓ 13 Live Teaching Calls
✓ 13 Deepening Calls
✓ Optional Virtual Coffee Dates
✓ Private Membership Forum
✓ Community Graduation Ceremony
✓ Sacred Deathcare Guide Certification
✓ Lifetime Access to Course Material

Sacred Deathcare Guides

Bring an inclusive, nature-based spiritual framework to the soul’s journey through death and loss. 

Help dying people and their families awaken a new relationship to themselves, their experiences, and their world.

Tend the portal between worlds, ritually guiding souls through the spiritual and energetic experiences of death and loss.

Hold a sacred container where the mysteries of life and death unfold, facilitating healing and transformation.

Illuminate the path through the shadows of grief, fear, and unresolved loss, offering a new/old picture for meeting death.

Hold a sacred container where the mysteries of life and death unfold, facilitating healing and transformation.

Sacred Deathcare Guides

Bring an inclusive, nature-based spiritual framework to the soul’s journey through death and loss. 

Help dying people and their families awaken a new relationship to themselves, their experiences, and their world.

Tend the portal between worlds, ritually guiding souls through the spiritual and energetic experiences of death and loss.

Hold a sacred container where the mysteries of life and death unfold, facilitating healing and transformation.

Illuminate the path through the shadows of grief, fear, and unresolved loss, offering a new/old picture for meeting death.

Hold a sacred container where the mysteries of life and death unfold, facilitating healing and transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Sacred Deathcare is a soul-based approach that cares for our souls as well as our bodies, and for the dead as well as the living.

Mainstream medicine gives us many valuable gifts, but a model that only treats the physical body and ignores the very real, non-physical experiences of the soul, is missing half the picture. 

Sacred Deathcare gives language and structure to the non-ordinary experiences that happen around dying, death, and dead people. It provides a framework for understanding the spiritual dynamics of death and loss, and offers practical healing tools to help navigate these experiences with grace and ease.

Sacred Deathcare is respectful of all traditions, and students often describe the teachings and practices as “spiritually safe.” 

The work is rooted in nature-based spirituality and modern consciousness research, but those of any spiritual perspective can apply its principles.

Whether you identify as “spiritual but not religious” or as “spiritual and religious” the teachings and practices will offer support for the soul journey through death and loss.


We recognize that life happens and that people get busy, and our goal is to support your learning journey in any way we can. 

All live calls will be recorded and uploaded to our course platform, where you’ll have lifetime access. You can revisit the sessions at your convenience, allowing you to engage with the content at your own pace. 

This is a 13-week program, and there are 2 live calls each week: Teaching Call, and an optional Deepening Call. Deepening Calls alternate between Model Coaching Sessions and Community Integration Calls.

Teaching calls are 2.5 hrs, and Deepening calls are 1.5 hours each. If you attend both calls, you can expect to spend 4 hours on calls each week.

The goal of the training is to grow your skills and confidence to be able offer Sacred Deathcare in your community. There will be minimal reading, writing, or media homework in the course, but please plan to devote 2-3 hours each week to experiential and ritual practices based on the course material. 

In addition, please plan to visit the online community forum regularly each week, to share your experiences with the work and the practices and to connect with fellow students. 

Finally, you may also choose to participate in Virtual Coffee Dates with other cohort members. These will be optional, random weekly pairings, scheduled at your convenience, which offer intimate, and open-ended conversations. This is a time to share insights, process your learning, and develop the kind of deep peer relationships that sustain this sacred work.

Our graduation ceremony will honour and celebrate the profound journey we’ve undertaken together in this course. As we reach this important milestone, you’ll be invited to bring friends and family into the “big Zoom tent,” where we will gather to mark this sacred passage.

This ceremony will be a celebration of our shared experience and also a recognition of your commitment to this deeply meaningful work. We promise a beautiful, memorable ceremony that will leave a lasting impression—a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come, and a launchpad for the work you will continue to do in the world.


This training differs significantly from Death Doula training programs. 

The Sacred Deathcare Guide Training fills a deep need for specialised skill development in nature-based spiritual approaches to death and loss. 

At The Centre for Sacred Deathcare, we teach a healing approach that recognizes the very real, non-physical experiences of our souls—before, during, and after the last breath.

We begin with the assumption that consciousness continues on after the body dies.

We hold that healing can transcend linear time and physical space, that death is both an ending and a beginning, and that ritual is a pragmatic, effective, and powerful healing modality. 

In this 13-week program, we provide a coherent framework that gives language and structure to the mystical experiences that happen around dying, death, and dead people. You’ll learn what those experiences are, what they mean, and how to work with them in service of healing.

A Sacred Deathcare Guide may also be a Death Doula, but a Death Doula is not necessarily a Sacred Deathcare Guide.

As a Death Doula, you may be trained to keep your own perspective out of the process, and follow the spiritual perspective and values of the dying person and their family. 

Of course, practitioners must never override the family’s viewpoint or desires. But the reality is that there are many people who internally resonate with nature-based spirituality, and want to meet death in a sacred way, but aren’t able to articulate what they believe or need.

As a Sacred Deathcare Guide, you will serve as a kind of “Clergy for the Unchurched.” You will have the skills, rituals, and medicine body to offer grounded, nature-based spiritual leadership and direction. As you provide families with language and maps that align with their spiritual values and intentions, you will truly act as a guide in service to their journey.

With the deeper spiritual well you learn to draw from as a Sacred Deathcare Guide, you’ll be confident articulating the energetic and spiritual dimensions of the dying process. You’ll stand firmly, embodying ancient ways of supporting dying people and their families in a modern context.  

Upon completion of the program, you will be officially certified as a Sacred Deathcare Guide by the Centre for Sacred Deathcare.

While certification is not required to practise as a Sacred Deathcare Guide (or as a Death Doula), this credential signifies that you have undergone comprehensive, in-depth training with the Centre for Sacred Deathcare and are well-prepared to guide others through the sacred transition of death and loss.

As a certified Sacred Deathcare Guide, you will be equipped to offer compassionate spiritual support to individuals who are dying, as well as to their families. You’ll have the skills to facilitate meaningful rituals and ceremonies that honour the soul’s journey, and create sacred spaces that nurture healing and transformation during the end-of-life process.

The Centre for Sacred Deathcare is committed to a holistic approach, addressing both the physical and spiritual dimensions of death and loss. By embracing and embodying these principles, you’ll help create a more healing experience for those you serve—and contribute to a shift in the cultural understanding of death and loss.

Enriching personal growth, fostering community well-being, and instigating cultural change are the hallmarks of Sacred Deathcare. As such, the curriculum does not include business development skills.

Yes. Sacred Deathcare is a village-based modality, and developing a guild of Sacred Deathcare Guides is core to our ongoing vision.  

You will continue to have full and ongoing access to the forum, call recordings, and community activities after you complete the 13-week program. As you step into the world as a Sacred Deathcare Guide, you will have a place to connect with your peers and with the principles and practices of Sacred Deathcare.


As someone called to soul-based deathcare, you’re likely part of an invisible tribe of deathwalkers who offer their services in many and varied ways.

If you’re a healthcare professional, death doula, bodyworker, therapist, clergy, animal communicator, veterinary professional, hospice volunteer or team member looking to bring more spiritual depth to your work, this course is for you. The skills you’ll gain will help you serve your patients, clients, or parishioners in deeper and more meaningful ways.

If you’ve completed a death doula training, and are seeking additional training and experience, this course will deepen your knowledge of the soul aspects of death and dying, and empower you with the spiritual language and ritual skills you need to offer the soul-centric deathcare you’re called to.

Regardless of your formal background, this certification program is for those who feel a deep soul-calling to the work of Sacred Deathcare.

Perhaps you work as a helping practitioner in a non-death field, yet feel called to this work. The human and interpersonal skills you have developed in your life and profession will give you a strong foundation on which to build the skills and understandings of Sacred Deathcare.

Perhaps you’ve faced a big death in your life. Your ability to be present to your own deep heartbreak and to find a healing path through it means that you now carry this map in your energy body, and you can use that deep knowing to help others.

Maybe you’re new to this sort of work, but you’re intuitive, spiritually sensitive, and attuned to realms beyond the physical. Perhaps you’ve been comfortable with dying or dead people since you were young, or maybe you’ve discovered this capacity in yourself more recently.

In this certification program, you’ll find the structure and direction you’ve been looking for, along with a supportive community of like-minded collaborators.

There are no prerequisites or experience requirements to attend this certification program. All you need is an inner sense that offering soul-support to dying people and their families is part of your life’s deep work. 

No matter your background, this course will validate and activate the archetypal energy of the deathwalker that’s alive in you, and teach you to use it in service of your community.


We are committed to providing a teaching and learning space in which all students—regardless of demographic, background, or experience—feel welcomed and comfortable. 

We work to incorporate different learning styles, and offer exercises and activities that cater to kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learners, as well as those comfortable in large groups and those who prefer more intimate conversations. 

We offer opportunities for student feedback, and will work to adapt and adjust the course to meet the needs of the participants. 

All of our video lessons include closed captioning, unedited transcripts, and audio-only options.

If you need other accessibility support, please reach out. We’d love to know what would make things easier for you

The Teaching Calls, Community Integration Calls, and Model Coaching Sessions will take place on Zoom. 

Between calls, students and instructors will connect through our private online forum. The forum is hosted on a user-friendly platform designed to foster community engagement, and will serve as a central hub for all course-related discussions.

You can access the forum through your course account. Once you’re enrolled in the course, you’ll receive a welcome email with direct links and instructions for this.

If you prefer a mobile experience, you can also download the free IOS or Android app and visit the forum from your mobile device.

If you encounter technical difficulties, the Centre for Sacred Deathcare support team will be available to assist you with any issues related to the course or the community forum.

Yes. The Centre for Sacred Deathcare is providing several partial scholarships for this program. Please fill out the application form if you’d like to be considered for one. 


We want to help you have the best learning experience possible. If you have any further questions about the course, please email, and we’d be happy to help.

Join more than 3000 students who have studied with Sarah

The most enthusiastic, real person

I have been dabbling in end-of-life doula trainings and, Sarah, you are the most enthusiastic, real person I have yet to encounter. I love your teaching style!” 

Cindy P.

Finding another Deathwalker who “gets it”

“Working to develop my understanding around my dreams and intuitive senses was a lonely path until I took a course with Sarah. I realized that there was a framework that would give these mysteries some context, and that there was a mentor who could corroborate and hold my experiences. Finding another Deathwalker who “gets it” changed everything for me.”

William M.

Things I am looking for in a death doula training

I am floored by how deeply I resonate with your teachings. I adore your connection to soul and spirit in these teachings, as well as ritual and mythology. These are things that I am looking for deeply in a death doula training, but many of the courses I have been perusing seem to be quite void of this.”

Marna L.

Takes everybody to a place of great learning and insight

Sarah is so deeply intuitive. She’s a weaver. She takes in so much, and she weaves it together and makes it available to a community, to a group, in a way that deepens the experience and takes everybody to a place of great learning and insight.”

Robert M.

Sarah is kind

Sarah is kind, and she’s never going to make anyone feel condescended to or as if they don’t know what they’re talking about. Studying with her is so positive because she brings this ritual language to her work, and she can communicate clearly about what she’s doing. Whether you’re new to this type of work or you’ve been around the block with it, she makes it accessible.”

Kate M.

Life-perspective changing

“Thank you so very much for your work in this space. Your teachings have honestly felt life-perspective changing for me. I look forward to learning more from you. Killer stuff (pun intended).”

— Alana L.

I am inspired and cracked open

There are few people in the current circles of the death community that bring pause and contemplation to a group field and I am grateful to experience that with Sarah’s courses. I am inspired and cracked open to something more soulful and more alive in death.

— Evamarie P.

Warm and rich, yet full of lightness and humour.

Your approach to working with the death process feels warm and rich, yet full of lightness and humour. It’s a rare combination. I get the feeling from your teachings that all is well, and when tended well, beauty and healing almost want to emerge from experiences that we find so challenging.

— Ava S.

Join more than 3000 students who have studied with Sarah

The most enthusiastic, real person

I have been dabbling in end-of-life doula trainings and, Sarah, you are the most enthusiastic, real person I have yet to encounter. I love your teaching style!

Cindy P.

Finding another Deathwalker who “gets it”

“Working to develop my understanding around my dreams and intuitive senses was a lonely path until I took a course with Sarah. I realized that there was a framework that would give these mysteries some context, and that there was a mentor who could corroborate and hold my experiences. Finding another Deathwalker who “gets it” changed everything for me.”

William M.

Things I am looking for in a death doula training

I am floored by how deeply I resonate with your teachings. I adore your connection to soul and spirit in these teachings, as well as ritual and mythology. These are things that I am looking for deeply in a death doula training, but many of the courses I have been perusing seem to be quite void of this.”

Marna L.

Takes everybody to a place of great learning and insight

Sarah is so deeply intuitive. She’s a weaver. She takes in so much, and she weaves it together and makes it available to a community, to a group, in a way that deepens the experience and takes everybody to a place of great learning and insight.

Robert M.

Sarah is kind

“Sarah is kind, and she’s never going to make anyone feel condescended to or as if they don’t know what they’re talking about. Studying with her is so positive because she brings this ritual language to her work, and she can communicate clearly about what she’s doing. Whether you’re new to this type of work or you’ve been around the block with it, she makes it accessible.”

— Kate M.

Life-perspective changing

Thank you so very much for your work in this space. Your teachings have honestly felt life-perspective changing for me. I look forward to learning more from you. Killer stuff (pun intended).

— Alana L.

I am inspired and cracked open

“There are few people in the current circles of the death community that bring pause and contemplation to a group field and I am grateful to experience that with Sarah’s courses. I am inspired and cracked open to something more soulful and more alive in death.

— Evamarie P.

Warm and rich, yet full of lightness and humour.

“Your approach to working with the death process feels warm and rich, yet full of lightness and humour. It’s a rare combination. I get the feeling from your teachings that all is well, and when tended well, beauty and healing almost want to emerge from experiences that we find so challenging.

—  Ava S.

As someone who is sensitive to spiritual realities, I felt alone.

“As someone who is sensitive to spiritual realities, I felt alone and odd, even among hospice volunteers. Sarah’s courses helped me understand that my intuition and experiences were part of a bigger healing pattern of the Deathwalker archetype.”

– Kelly D.

I feel understood, and able to understand myself better.

When I attend Sarah’s courses, I feel understood, and able to understand myself better. I’ve spent so long keeping this part of me quiet because I didn’t know what to do with it. Sarah’s teachings have given me a path to follow. 

– Amy F.

This has changed what my clients experience.

As a therapist, I appreciate Sarah’s approach to the soul’s journey around death, dying and grief. It has opened up my understanding and changed how I hold space, see family dynamics, and guide rituals  – which has changed what my clients and their families experience. For the better!

– Penelope T.

As someone who is sensitive to spiritual realities, I felt alone.

“As someone who is sensitive to spiritual realities, I felt alone and odd, even among hospice volunteers. Sarah’s courses helped me understand that my intuition and experiences were part of a bigger healing pattern of the Deathwalker archetype.”

– Kelly D.

I feel understood, and able to understand myself better.

When I attend Sarah’s courses, I feel understood, and able to understand myself better. I’ve spent so long keeping this part of me quiet because I didn’t know what to do with it. Sarah’s teachings have given me a path to follow. 

– Amy F.

This has changed what my clients experience.

As a therapist, I appreciate Sarah’s approach to the soul’s journey around death, dying and grief. It has opened up my understanding and changed how I hold space, see family dynamics, and guide rituals  – which has changed what my clients and their families experience. For the better!

– Penelope T.