Across the Veil Constellations
Transformative ritual for learning and healing
with Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
Explore the soul’s journey in the afterlife
Ease your concerns or anxiety about death
Find connection and resolution with your dead loved ones
February 28th – March 2nd
October 24-26th
November 7-9th
January 18th
May 3rd
September 20th
“I’m grateful to have been at an in-person event to experience Sarah’s work in such a deep way. It was wonderful to be in an intentional group of people who are delving into the spiritual and energetic aspects of death and dying.”
– Chelsea R.
Transform your Relationship with Death and Loss
If you wonder what happens after we die,
Across the Veil Constellations can offer you an experiential confirmation of the afterlife.
If you’re grieving the death of a loved one,
Across the Veil Constellations can help you find comfort and peace.
If you’re struggling with death anxiety,
Across the Veil Constellations can bring you ease and reassurance.
If you work with dying people and their families,
Across the Veil Constellations can give you clarity about the dying process.
What are constellations?
Constellations are an embodied and intuitive ritual practice for bringing insight and healing to our lives.
Across the Veil Constellations specifically address issues of dying, death, and bereavement. They will help you gain a whole new perspective on the mysteries of living and dying
In a constellation, the group is guided through a somatic and experiential process to explore a specific question or issue. We’ll do three or four constellations in a day, and everyone participates in each constellation as deeply as they wish to.
What kind of questions or issues will we explore?
Across the Veil Constellations help you find clarity and ease around issues of death and loss. They also deepen your embodied relationship with death, so you can meet it with more grace and confidence.
You may bring a specific question to the day, or you may find your learning and healing through participating the larger group process.
Previous constellation topics:
A woman whose mother died recently was worried that her mother might not have made it to the far shore, because the rituals after her death had been so rushed. The constellation showed the daughter that her mom was well landed, and also supported some important healing work that needed to be done on their relationship.
A father whose child died several years ago was concerned because his other child, who was very young at the time, hadn’t been able to move on from the experience. The constellation showed that both children needed a chance to resolve something that hadn’t been properly completed at the time of death, and helped that to happen.
A person who had been present at a stranger’s sudden death many years ago still felt unresolved about it. The constellation showed that they were still entangled with part of the person who had died, and supported them with the help they needed to let that go.
A woman who had taken her cat to be euthanized struggled with guilt that her cat may have felt betrayed, rather than supported, by the process. The constellation showed that the cat was fine, and understood exactly what had happened and why.
Across the Veil Constellations can bring healing and insight to:
– Unresolved grief
– Issues of estrangement or conflict before death
– Unfinished conversations with dead loved ones
– Questions about the afterlife
– Abortion or miscarriage
– Pet death
– Death anxiety
– Questions around Medical Aid in Dying
– And many other deathly questions and situations
For Death Doulas and other end-of-life practitioners
If you support dying people and their families, part of what you bring to the process is your own embodied familiarity with the dying process. This deep relationship with death and loss is an energetic, rather than intellectual quality. People feel it, and it’s part of the healing gift you offer.
Participating in Across the Veil Constellations will build this embodied knowing. It will deepen your relationship with the dying process and give you a bone-deep confidence and language to help people navigate the soul journey of death and loss.
When you approach death with reverence and intention, it can become a portal to profound learning and healing.
“I’m impressed because the techniques are so good, and do the work so gently and softly. There’s quite a lot of emotion, but Sarah handles it safely. And, the impact continues past the weekend experience. It’s in my system now.”
– Arturo A.
Curious to Learn More?
This 60 minute webinar recording (below) is a deep dive into what Across the Veil Constellations are, and why they are such powerful experiences of healing and learning for bereaved people and practitioners.

Dr. Sarah Kerr, PhD
I’ve been a death doula and ritual healing practitioner since 2012. I have a doctorate in Transformative Learning and I’ve been a student of spiritual and systemic healing practices for almost three decades.
I appreciate the lineage of Systemic Constellations, and I honour my trainers in this work, especially Bill Mannle, Anngwyn St Just, Karl-Heinz Rauscher, Shannon Zaychuck, and Jonathan Hooton.
My clients and students understand that death and loss are important parts of their spiritual journey, but they may not have a spiritual map to guide them through these experiences. I bring a map rooted in energy medicine, systems thinking, sacred sciences and ancient wisdom traditions.
I’m honoured to share what I’ve learned from my teachers, clients, and direct experience. I’m grateful to be part of a larger community of people who are working to do death better.
Sarah did an incredible job of facilitating the constellations
“Sarah did an incredible job of facilitating the constellations, introducing people to this work, creating a sacred space, and communicating what the guidelines are for doing this work in a safe way. This is a rare talent. Most people don’t have that skill. It comes to her naturally, and through her experience. She is an outstanding facilitator.”
It’s a magical experience of spirit and letting go
I had an undeniable experience, and I saw many people there have undeniable experiences of perhaps something that they can’t completely explain… Yet, there’s sensations in the body of change… It’s a magical experience of spirit and letting go.”
I suddenly started knowing things things that my brain wouldn’t have known
“Sarah did a really fantastic and very intentional job of setting space. She uses ritual that includes sound, prayer, and intention to set this container. Once you open that container, with that intention, you step in the circle, and you really feel it. I don’t know how to describe it any other way except for the fact that… your body and your whole system come online in a way that I’ve never experienced before… I felt it in my legs, in my body, and in my heart. Then, I suddenly started knowing things things that my brain wouldn’t have known, which is why the only thing I can credit that to is source energy. I invited that all to come through me and it showed up. It’s amazing.”
Very effective in healing
“The field that Sarah created to do this work was very effective in healing and in providing practice for the participants to do this work.”
Working alongside the unseen, unknown, and energetic
“Sarah gives a very clear, grounded, easy to follow explanation of the container process. She has a very linear, clear way of laying things out that’s accessible to anybody and works alongside the unseen, unknown, and energetic. For me, it’s the perfect blend.”
I would recomend Sarah
“There’s no ego… I feel like Sarah honors the work so much that she wants it to go well. I felt supported by her knowledge and grounding, to the point that I would now, if someone was looking for help, recommend her based on just seeing her in her strength.”
Transform and release deep grief
“It’s wonderful to see this work happening, and to see people who are truly in deep grief about things be able to transform and release that grief. It’s really powerful. I’m grateful that this work is being normalized and becoming something that more people might think about doing if they’re struggling.”
I’m privileged to have been a part of it
“The workshop was an experience of feeling our conjoined intelligence at a visceral level. I feel that when I am giving Reiki treatments and when I am doing End of Life Doula work, but yesterday was the grandest demonstration of it I have ever been privileged to be part of. Many deep thanks to you.”
A reenactment of a life situation where unresolved issues have a venue for healing
“It’s like a reenactment of a life situation where unresolved issues have a venue for healing to occur. Sarah creates a safe place in the field. When you bring your faith, trust and your willingness, everything shows up just the way it’s supposed to.”
Sarah speaks in a language that’s easy to follow
“Sarah’s got a very strong gift about being present with people, and that allows for safety. She also speaks in a language that’s easy to follow… It’s not too much jargon. It just normal conversation that has such depth to it.”
Feeling our conjoined intelligence at a visceral level
Thank you for bringing together such an awesome group of individuals, and facilitating yesterday’s constellation work.
Last night before bed I was reading The Lives of a Cell by Lewis Thomas and came across this line on page 12:
“Although we are by all odds the most social of all social animals—more interdependent, more attached to each other, more inseparable in our behavior than bees—we do not often feel our conjoined intelligence.”
What we were doing yesterday was feeling our conjoined intelligence at a visceral level. I feel that when I am giving Reiki treatments and when I am doing End of Life Doula work, but yesterday was the grandest demonstration of it I have ever been privileged to be part of.
Many deep thanks to you, until we meet again.
These are live events, they will not be recorded.
Across the Veil Constellations can bring deep healing, but attending may not be appropriate if you’re in acute grief. If you’ve experienced a significant death in the last year, please contact Sarah before registering.
The Stanley Park Ecological Society
February 28 – March 2, 2025
$435 CAD + GST
The Church of Truth, 111 Superior Street
Multiple Dates
$145 CAD + GST
The Local Council of Women Halifax
October 24 – 26th, 2025
$435 CAD + GST
Calgary Canoe Club
November 7 – 9th, 2025
$435 CAD + GST
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