Do you have a question about death, dying, or dead people?
Please submit your questions about death, dying, grief, loss, or the afterlife here. I’ll do my best to address your question in a future article or video, which I’ll post on social media and send out to my email list.
After you submit your question, you can sign up for a free guide on “How to Talk with a Dying Person”.
Sample Questions
“I’m a death doula and I still feeling sad when someone dies, especially if it’s someone I know. I feel like, given how much I know and understand about death at this stage, and about the fact that there is life afterwards, I shouldn’t be this sad when it happens. Do you have any advice for me? “
“My memories of my mother are very complicated, and a lot of them are painful. I don’t know how to grieve, it all feels confusing. What advice would you give to someone like me?”
“My daughter just turned 4 a few weeks ago. Last spring, we lost our cat Penny. Recently, she’s begun making the connection between Penny’s death in old age and humans. Is there anything you can suggest for parents walking very young children through this kind of processing?“